
Hi there, My name's Ivy! The first thing that people notice about me is that I'm small by horse standards. They think that I'm a pony, but I'm even too small to be called that! I'm considered a miniature horse, and I'm so short that I barely come up to most peoples' knees! So, while I can't be ridden, like most of the horses here at Reins of Life, I help our clients in other ways. For example, one of my favorite activities is a little somethin' called Equine Assisted Learning. It's where a bunch of people get together and work through obstacles as a team! Some of the older horses tell me that we do this because people tend to solve problems better when they do it in groups and that the obstacles are supposed to represent their problems like nasty emotions and stuff. But I just think it's fun! What happens most of
the time is they pet me and groom me, and then we play in the arena. There are all of these obstacles
and fun toys to play games with. My favorite game to play is when the group makes an obstacle, and
then they try to make me go through it without using a lead rope. It's so fun watching them brainstorm
Back in late summer, some nice ladies came out to the farm, and together we had so much fun. But,
now it's getting chilly, my winter fluff is coming in, and sessions have ended. We all miss it, but sessions will start again before we know it!
